Circular Economy


The assignment was commissioned by Swedish Waste Management, The Swedish Gas Association, Svenskt Vatten, and Swedenergy. All the commissioners are industry organizations whose sectors operate practically within the framework of the concept known as the circular economy. The purpose of this corporate film was to explain how each commissioner’s area of operation is connected to the others and to show how each sub-area forms a circular whole.

The target audience for the project was the general public rather than opinion leaders. The aim was to address it from a general citizen perspective – an environmentally conscious citizen who cares about sorting their waste. Most people don’t understand how everything is interconnected, so the film was designed to provide a fairly basic level of knowledge.

The goal was for this to serve as a general entry point in many contexts where the topic is discussed. It aimed to explain the components (represented by the industries) which, on their own, might not necessarily be impressive, but together create an amazing product. Furthermore, the film was also intended for use by industry members – the more people who share it, the better. It was also important to clearly illustrate how the different industries’ products were integrated into the film.

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