Sustainability communication
Ever since the start, we have focused a lot on communication about sustainability. We have helped a number of companies to explain their sustainability work in everything from recycling to circular economy and efficiencies. Here you see a couple of examples of films in sustainability and below a description of our own sustainability work (surely it would have been more fun with a film?). 🙂
Circular economy
In this information film, four industry organizations together explain how Sweden works for a circular economy.
This is a film to draw attention to the “Nature Bonus” that Naturkompaniet awards annually to nature and environmental conservation projects.
A corporate film that we together with Tepe and Port11, of a total of three animated corporate films and graphic material for interview films.
Our environmental policy and environmental goals
We must be a company that works for a better environment by constantly evaluating what we do based on its environmental impact.
Therefore, it’s our goal to:
- increase knowledge and raise awareness of environmental issues among all employees through training, membership in organizations related to the subject and internal meetings
- influence, make demands on and collaborate with other companies, suppliers, authorities and organizations
- see environmental improvement measures as investments
- prevent pollution in air, soil and water by taking into account the environmental impact of what we do
- constantly strive to improve the utilization of our resources within the company.
Environmental organization
As of 2019, environmental issues are run by a special environmental manager, Anton Ewetz. Through the environmental manager, coordination and integration in the business and with our suppliers is increased.
In order to achieve harmonization and standardization of our quality work in the long term, integration is underway in connection with our business development.
Through continuous staff meetings, discussions with customers and suppliers, we can help move the environmental work forward throughout the company.
Action plan
We have drawn up an action plan based on our objectives.
The action plan includes the following:
Source sorting of waste
We sort our waste at source and leave paper for recycling.
Energy saving measures
An established goal is to increase the use of computers and adequate software to reduce the use of paper to disseminate information to staff, customers and suppliers. The company uses low-energy lamps in the luminaires where this is possible.
Environmentally adapted purchases
An established goal is to always consider environmental aspects when purchasing products used in the business, everything from electronics to copy paper and pens. Since 2019-06, all major electronics must be recycled. This has led to a transition to more environmentally friendly products. Compliance with the requirements is a must and is discussed at staff meetings once every six months.
Environmental requirements for our suppliers
One of the company’s environmental goals is to influence our subcontractors to always consider environmental aspects in their operations. We replace almost all physical with video conferencing with UL to reduce unnecessary travel.
Use of the best possible fuel and Reduced fuel consumption
One of the environmental goals set for the business prescribes the best possible fuel and requirements for measures to reduce fuel consumption. We use M and choose the cars with the lowest CO2 emissions / km. We avoid driving fossil-fueled cars for as long as possible. We use trains as the first alternative for necessary travel and flights must be a clear exception that must be accepted verbally from the Environmental Officer from case to case.
Environmental information for employees, customers and suppliers
All employees in the business must have knowledge of the company’s environmental goals. This is followed up regularly at staff meetings once every six months, where new information is also provided. Through oral communication, our customers are informed about our ongoing environmental work, where it comes naturally. With our suppliers, we have an ongoing dialogue about environmental improvement measures with a focus on recycling and reduced travel.
Environmental goals
Explainer AB has formulated three ambitious goals for 2021 based on our action plan:
Reduce the number of flights by 25% in relation to the krona traded compared with the measurement year 2019.
Only buy recycled electronic products such as computers, monitors and presentation aids.
Require that new subcontractors for recurring transactions must have an environmental policy in place when signing a contract.
If you read all of this, thanks. Now you probably understand the value of an animated video even better 😉