The Swedish Agency for Participation


The Swedish Agency for Participation, MFD, is tasked with promoting the implementation of disability policy throughout society. MFD’s mission is guided by the goals and strategies of disability policy, which are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The assignment aimed to explain the concept of universal design, which involves thinking critically about norms and basing the design process on people’s different conditions and abilities. From this perspective, diversity is embraced, and the design of products, services, and environments is done to work for as many people as possible. Universal design is a tool to achieve full social participation for everyone, regardless of functional ability. Therefore, the assignment required solid experience in critical norm thinking and knowledge of working from an intersectional perspective.

More specifically, the film was meant to explain universal design, why it is important to use it and give examples of good universal design. This was intended to encourage thinking about these perspectives when goods are designed or procured.

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